Enough of the political banter! Aren’t you ready for a break from all the bickering back and forth? Don’t you wish we could call a truce and everybody just get along?
I don’t care what side of the fence you are on, the more any of us feed on what we think is wrong with the world and specifically our country, the more divisive we become, the more hate is spread and the more the frenzy of fear can consume us.
Alot has been swirling around in my head about loving our neighbors who are different than us, and what being a “safe” person really should be. I still need to flesh these out further before I post, but since it’s Thanksgiving week what better time than now to redirect our thoughts off of what’s wrong and who’s wrong and onto what is good. For whatever we fix our thoughts on will influence our heart’s bent.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Phil. 4:8
Therefore, to move from being filled with anxiety, frustration, anger, judgement and condemnation toward our fellow Americans, leadership and country, and to be joy-filled, compassionate and loving we need a little Thanksgiving!
So this is my challenge: Take one day every day this week to focus on each of these:
- Whatever is TRUE
- Whatever is HONORABLE
- Whatever is JUST
- Whatever is PURE
- Whatever is LOVELY
- Whatever is COMMENDABLE
- Whatever is EXCELLENT
Make it a table conversation with your kids. Or, turn it into a prayer thanking God for whatever is… true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable and excellent. I’ld love to know what you find; to hear how it shapes your thoughts.
My prayer though for each of us is it will not only lead us to a more thankful heart this week, but we would be directed to the only One who is TRUTH. Who was completely honorable. Was just and is our justifier because he became the pure and perfect sacrifice – lovely to all those who know their need. Commendable, most excellent and worthy of all our praise!
May we rejoice in the Lord because above all he gave up everything in order to bring what we really need: Salvation. For only when we know our desperate need of a Savior and who he is for us will we ever find the perfect peace we long for.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:7
“For he himself is our peace…” Ephesians 2:14
Thanks be to God; he is on his throne ruling over all and one day all things will be made right once again.
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