Since returning from a quick getaway trip with my husband a couple weeks ago I have been going ninety to nothing with no slowing down until after next weekend. But as I shared in my last post God’s word hitting my heart replaced anxiety with much needed peace. And revealed to me how I tend to power through times likes these in my own strength and sufficiency instead of leaning on Him.
This week God has been equally good to me by gently showing me another way I need to loosen my grip on my own self-rule. And He did so by exposing my heart through the self-less acts of a few friends.
Typically Monday mornings are like clockwork for me – laundry started, kids out the door, Y workout and then straight to the grocery, with pitstops at the cleaners and bank if need be. But this past Monday kicked-off the big charity week at my daughter’s high school in which she was Co-Chairing the evening’s Auction. This meant her Co-Chair’s mother and I were by default also “Co-Chairs” and seeminlgy the sole members of the parent auction committee;). And frankly, there were days I was a little bitter about this “job” I didn’t sign up for or have time to do!
However, God knew what was best for me and that included messing with my schedule and forcing me to see again how my mode of operation is self-sufficiency and self-rule. For those of us who like to be in control as indicated on the chart previously shared, we often sacrifice intimacy, unity and community.
When I first saw this “acceptable cost” I wasn’t so sure it described me since I love to connect with people and create community. Yet, if I’m honest, I like to control community to fit neatly in my schedule. In other words, I’m not very flexible when relationships interfer with my agenda. But through the selflessness of a few friends I want God to work change in me to be more available and flexible.
Because what I saw in the midst of auction baskets galore, paperwork and loose ends was women willing to give in exchange for nothing! But the community we gained because of it is really where we find life and meaning and what I want to be about. So God sent angels in the form of friends to give and show us just what we needed – both tangible and intangible.
Apart from their intervening I’m not sure how my mom “Co-Chair” friend and I thought we could possibly be ready to transport everything scattered throughout her house to the school. We were though because one willingly gave up her whole Saturday to help and then returned Monday to give more, and even brightened our day with flowers. Two others came Sunday to fill out bid sheets we couldn’t have focused on for hours and would’ve taken us far longer to complete. Another friend showed up mid-morning Monday with moving boxes and went to work filling them while we finished other things. Then these same women, along with several others, gave up the rest of their day and into the evening to help us set up and run the auction. All this on a weekend… and a Monday! A day I never volunteer to give up!
But how thankful I was they did! And convicted by how unwilling I often am.
So it’s true, after all – my own self-rule ruling me keeps me from initiating to serve others in unexpected ways. Therefore, the tangible help my friends gave was a blessing. But the priceless gift of unity and community as we worked alongside each other brought deepening friendships and gave me a new perspective on what it looks like to lay down my Self!
Thank you, friends, and thank you, Jesus, for growing us in grace together!
Oh Kristen, no truer words have been said! I could never have done MD Anderson with Kendall without my servant friends. They took over my life in Waco, taking Kolby home and to dance and piano different days of the week. They cleaned my house, did laundry and feed my family at home. They also came to Houston and stayed for shifts with Kendall so I could come home to write lesson plans at school. They encouraged me daily with calls and notes. I always knew that they were praying for Kendall and for me. God’s precious gift of selfless, servant woman helped me survive our 9 month long nightmare!