We’ve all been excluded before. And because we have we know the feelings of rejection, worthlessness and not measuring up that come along with it. We have experienced the self-doubt and questions that swirl around in our heads, taking us to dark places as we wonder what’s wrong with us.
Because we know what this hurt feels like it should move us to compassion when we see this happening to other people. But it doesn’t always. We are often unwilling to put ourselves in their shoes of another and spring to action.
There are many reason, some justifiable, for our seemingly lack of concern. I think above all though, we don’t take a stand or stand by their side because we aren’t always willing to die to self. None of us are, all the time, so once again we are all in the same boat.
Last night I was wrestling with these issues when a familiar verse popped into my head and I was struck by it in a way I haven’t been before.
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
Yes. A thousand times yes. Jesus did what we won’t. Jesus went to the uttermost to secure our standing with Him. And how much greater the realization of what He did for me becomes when I see how unlike Him I really am.
For the one who feels excluded, neglected or rejected, this is good news of great hope. There is something greater than your pain; Someone greater. Someone who went to bat for you, literally laid down His life for you, because you are His friend.
And for all of us – when we fail to live by the royal law of putting others above ourselves, there is One who perfectly loved others for us. His perfect record credited to us means God sees us as having loved our neighbors as ourselves, perfectly.
Wow. I don’t know about you, but that is humbling because I know how far off the mark I really am. And when I see this about myself, I see how desperately I need Him as my Savior. It also drives me to want to live as He has called me, not because it will make me more worthy of His love, but because His love compels me.
When His love drives us outside of ourselves, by His grace we will die to self and revolve our lives around others, for their good. We will have the eyes to see others in their pain and step into their shoes. We will care more about others’ feelings than our own gain. And by entering in and living sacrificially we will reflect Jesus to one another and make Him more real in each other’s lives.
This is the type of gospel friend I want to be and the type of friends I pray we would have in our lives. But as Proverbs 18:24 reminds us, “… (we have) a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” That friend identifies with us perfectly because He stepped into our shoes and suffered for us to ensure we would always stand secure in Him.
Thanks be to God!