Two years ago this August we left our youngest on his college campus and started our trek into emptynesterhood. It was a stage I had dreaded and couldn’t believe we were already at. As it turns out it’s not only not bad, we actually love this stage with our young adult kids.
Having parented our three kids through the teen years and beyond, we’ve been there in the trenches. Parenting is hard! We didn’t get it all right and we weren’t exempt from struggles. From our own experiences and long-held belief that parenting is an opportunity (thanks to a Paul Tripp book) and what we do matters, I love to come alongside parents, especially in the teen years.
In this episode of Pardon the Mess with my friend Courtney DeFeo (released last summer but I failed to share here!), we talk about parenting teens with intentionality but without taking control of our kids’ entire story. I also share how my mask of perfection impacted our daughter, and then vulnerability and redemptive living charted a better course.
You can listen to the episode HERE. If you haven’t read Parenting Ahead yet grab it for more related content.
Also for those of you transitioning to parenting emerging adults I recently uploaded a new eBook in my website shop, Parenting Beyond! Get it HERE.

Growing in grace together,