Well, they are off. Today is our first day of school. And can I just say morning came early!
And that is coming from someone who likes to get up early! In fact all summer I routinely got up between 5:30 and 6am, but it’s different when you have to. When school is in. No more early morning runs and still returning to a quiet house to sit in my chair sipping coffee while spending time in the Word. Nor more leisurely checking and replying to emails. Or, unloading the dishwasher and doing three loads of laundry before anyone else is awake. Those things will still happen in their time, but no more silence and alone time in the early morning hours that I like.
Now I’ve got company… and its not always real cheerful company (though today they were fine)!
Now I’ve got breakfast and lunches to make. Carpools to run. And soon to be folders to sign, spelling words to call out and daily schedules to run through so we all know who has to go where when the real craziness starts after school. These are things that make me want to stay in summer forever.
Before long though we will fall in to and embrace our new routines. But for today, this day of morning mayhem I re-read the Mom’s Prayer On The First Day of School that my neighbor sends me each year. And I lift my kids up knowing that He is with them… as she navigates the potential stress of who to sit with at lunch without leaving anyone out. For him, as he must find his classes, open his locker, meet new friends and catch the bus. And for my youngest, so independent yet missing having his brother with him at the same school causes me to jump ahead in time- to what it will be like when the others have already left home and he really is all alone.
So although I mourn the loss of MY morning time, I regain it in other times of the day. But the slipping years of time with my kids will never be regained. Lord, please help me to be present and focused in the hours that they are with me!
But since they are gone now… my tradition of muffins & mimosas with friends is calling my name!
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Thanks for that Kristin! Made me tear up a little. Be present! That is what I strive for every day. If is so hard to do when I’m busy, but I tell myself every day that god gives me what he knows I can handle. The things that seem the mist daunting have the greatest reward. The hand that reaches out to me from under her covers at night and tells me how much she loves me!