“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life and (His) life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:1-5
The Light burst through the heavens into the sin and darkness of the world in the form of a baby. At the same time He lay helpless and needy in His mother’s arms, He upheld the world He spoke in to existence. The spoken Word coming off the page to shine forth to the world the knowledge of God.
That’s why He left His throne in heaven for this place of heartache and hurt. So we could know God!
So we could know God – the baby born of Christmas traded in His crown for thorns!
So we could know God is for us!
So we could know God’s grace, His loving-kindness and hope!
From the wooded trough to the wooden cross the Light of the world spoke life. Only, it seemed when His life was snuffed out darkness had won the day.
But in the darkness of that day is when His Light shines brightest. It is there, when God turned His back on His Son, that we see God’s fierce and loyal love for us. Love that gives life and brings Light to bear when everything else feels like despair.
Love so amazing that when it penetrates our hearts Christmas is more than a once a year celebration. Christmas – the Coming of Christ – starts to change us, daily. “O Come Let Us Dore Him” is no longer relegated to December, but reigns in our hearts always.
And the Light causes us to see His grace in all things.
May your Christmas and beyond by filled with Light!
I’m ever so appreciative of the hands that write these devotionals! You have been given a beautiful talent in your ability to shine your light on His word and Truth! Thank you, thank you!!