And when I think of God, His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin.”
I scarce can take it in? We sure don’t live as if we can hardly take it in, do we? No, if we did – if we really grasped what Jesus did for us in life and in death – how we order our lives would look alot different than they do. It would change how we spend our time and our money, what we care about, long for, talk about, do, who we serve, what we sacrifice and what we won’t, the way we love.
Yes, if we really grasped that God did not spare his Son in order to make us his children, don’t you think it would change our affections and lead us to greater worship of him? Wouldn’t it cause us to long to hear his word and gather with his people; to prioritize our life around the One who is life?
If we really grasped that on the cross Jesus gladly accepted the punishment of death because of our sin, don’t you think it would lead us to hate our sin instead of coddling up to it or flat out giving in to it? Wouldn’t it create in us a deeper desire to live in a way that is honoring of him, to care more about his glory and opinion, than our own glory and others’ opinions of us?
If we really grasped that Jesus hung naked, clothed in our guilt, shame and sin so we could be clothed in his white robes*, don’t you think it would lead us to see how deeply loved and accepted by God we really are? Wouldn’t it help us rest in our true identity secured in him instead of seeking after false identities from false gods?
If we really grasped How great Thou art, wouldn’t Christians and churches and communities; marriages, families and relationships look different?
my God, how great Thou art!”
* as said by our assistant Pastor Clay said in yesterday's sermon The Dead Church