Joining me for the third Face Time podcast is Kendal Conner, Student Ministry Girls’ Associate at Henderson Hills Baptist Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. Kendal and I are both contributors to the Rooted Ministry blog, which is how we got acquainted. I then learned she and my daughter already knew each other. The more I talk to her and read what she writes, the more thankful I am for her voice and ministry in the lives of girls.
In the podcast you will hear how she seeks to help teens uncover the root issues going on underneath their behavior, emotions and attitudes. And why it’s so important we all do the same with ourselves. Whatever we worship, whatever we desire most, whatever we long for or turn to looking for worth is what drives all we do. So until we peel back the layers to uncover what is going on at the heart-level, our soul will know no rest. When we do see the false ways we try to secure life and fill the “soul hole,” it is there and then the gospel can be applied specifically. I hope you’ll listen in as I trust her words will benefit you no matter what life stage you are in.
Thank you, Kendal, for imparting your wisdom!
Show Notes:
- Interested in the youth mininstry where Kendal serves? Go to: Henderson Hill Baptist Church.
- To learn more about Rooted Ministry as a gospel-centered resource for youth pastors and parents, click HERE.
- Scripture references: Romans 5:8 and Hebrews 4:14-16*

Kendal currently serves as the Student Ministry Girls’ Associate at Henderson Hills Baptist Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. Kendal received her BA from Union University in Public Relations. After graduation, she served 2 years overseas in Central Asia. She has spent the last 5 years working within parachurch youth and outreach ministries before moving to Oklahoma.
*Face Time Chapter 3: “The One who Faced Our Mess” addresses more fully what was hit on about Jesus identifying with us. Pre-order you book copy: HERE.
Did you miss one of the previous podcast? Here are the links: Episode 001: Trying to be Good Enough with Martha Kate Stainsby Episode 002: Striving for Perfection with Mary Carlisle Crehore