I don’t particularly care for resolutions. By definition a “resolution” implies we have the ability to adhere to a resolve not to do something again. But if you know yourself, you know what is true of all human hearts, we still do those things with which we don’t want to do. Even with the best intentions and most heartfelt desire to change, we still fall into temptation, slip up, give in or give up.
But it does not mean we just throw in the towel and not even try. Nor does it give us a free pass to justify our sin, misbehavior or bad habits as just the way we are. What it means is we need help. Help from the One who loves us as we are, despite our need of change.
Who wouldn’t want that? Unconditional love of the only One who lived perfectly!
Instead of looking down on us for how we don’t measure up, He came down to make us His sons and daughters by declaring us right. That’s right, for those who believe we have been justified so now none of our sin counts against us.
Not only that but Ephesians 2:4-7 tells us that for those who have been saved, we have also been made alive, raised up and seated with Christ. SEATED WITH CHRIST*.
Who wouldn’t want that? A seat at His heavenly round table.
A seat He gave you, not because of your creditials but His credited to you. He is at the table too, sitting alongside you, and so is every other believer. In their own seats. No musical chairs at this table. Everyone gets to keep their seat.
Grasping the implications of this concept (understanding justification!) can truly change the way we view everything. Just imagine being in your seat, with Christ and everyone else.
- Do you think you are worried about being good enough to be there? Nope. Christ declared you righteous and put you there. You are worthy.
- Do you think you are comparing yourself to the person next to you who has had more worldly success? Nope. Christ had a seat for you and one for her, both at the same table. You are on the same team with no reason to compare. Christ gave you both your own seats and your own races to run.
- Do you think you are trying to make yourself better so you can move up to the head of the table to gain more recognition? Nope. Christ is the Head, but the table is round. Everyone there is united to and with Him and one another. How freeing is that to see yourself as equal despite your different giftedness, abilities and weaknesses?
When you are seated with Christ, you can be okay when you mess up because His mercy and grace is unending.
When you are seated with Christ, you can be okay when others mess up because you are full of Christ’s grace.
When you are seated with Christ, you can be okay when others fail you because He never fails you.
When you are seated with Christ, you can be okay when others perform better than you because Christ performed perfectly for you (and for them, too.)
When you are seated with Christ, you can be okay when you are excluded by others because you know where you belong.
When you are seated with Christ, you set your mind on and seek what is eternal and no longer live as if you have to fight for a seat at the table.
When you are seated with Christ, you stop focusing on getting better and fix your eyes on the glory of the One sitting with you, who fills you completely with all of His power, strength and grace. And with His power, strength and grace working in and through you there is always hope of change.
So this year instead of making a resolution you can work hard to try to keep and beat yourself up over if you fail, TAKE YOUR SEAT. Discover your worth, not because of what you do or how you look, but because of the One who set His great love upon YOU and never tires of showering you with the immeasurable riches of His grace.
*Seated with Christ by Heather Hollman stimulated my thoughts for this blog post. For deeper understanding of what it means for you to lived a seated life, I highly recommend purchasing this book. More written about it in my Favorite Books of the Year post.
How freeing…the perfect end of the year post! I’m resolving to take a seat! Thank you, dear Kristen, for all your Godly direction in keeping our eyes on the cross! ?