Today my parents celebrate fifty years of marriage. My husband’s parents have also celebrated this milestone, as did my grandparents.
At the time of my grandparents’ celebration back in 1995 I was newly engaged with no concept yet for how hard marriage can be or what love truly is. So now twenty-two years in, I have a very different appreciation for the milestone of fifty years!
My husband likes to say, “Marriage is death.” Not because I’m slowing killing him! But because in marriage each partner is called to die to self and live for the good of the other. Apart from a dying, giving up and serving mindset, I’m not sure a marriage can survive. At least not in a life-giving way.
The fact my husband and I, and our kids have in our parents and grandparents this type of marriage modeled to us is truly a gift. Each a picture of the fruit that the faithful weathering through life, and dying for the good of one another produces.
We need these pictures to direct us off of ourselves, and the here and now. Pictures ultimately that point us to the perfect love of Christ for his bride, the church. By his grace, may my marriage too be a reflection of such love to a world that is confused about love. But especially to our children and our children’s children, like the legacy my parents have carried.
May the open letter they have written to our family on this momentous occasion serve to encourage you in your marriage, and/or consider the legacy you are creating for future generations.
Bibi Schadegg says
Beautiful legacy!